Back in the ’70s, my uncle Rick had a pig farm. I spent many summers there helping out with the animals and the land. One summer night, when I was 10 years old, I was told we were going to cook a whole hog. Out in our yard, we dug a hole: 4 feet wide, 5 feet long, and 18 inches deep. On top, we put a heavy rebar grate with wire fencing tied onto it, completing our authentic barbeque pit. A few feet away, we started a fire using hickory and oak wood.
Now, with the pit dug and the fire burning, we laid a 90-pound butterflied pig face-down on the grate. As the fire burned and left coals, we shoveled them up and spread them underneath the hog for the next 14 hours. Halfway through, we carefully lifted the pig and flipped it over to its back for the rest of the cook. Using a towel wrapped around a stick, we mopped the pig with a simple mixture of vinegar, salt, and pepper, until it was tender and delicious.

Not much later, I would meet my best bud, Bill Marrack. Bill quickly became involved in our smoking hogs and pig-pickings. Together, we discovered a shared passion for barbeque, compelling us to become business partners. And in 2001, Bill and I opened the first Pig-N-Chik BBQ on Roswell Road in Sandy Springs.
Going from my childhood—raising pigs and smoking barbeque—to now—selling that same barbeque to thousands of customers—was a dream come true. We also used some of my Grandma Opal’s recipes for our classic Southern sides: the Brunswick stew, collard greens, tater salad, and slaw. And, of course, our menu wasn’t complete without some old-school drinks and desserts, like R.C. Cola and Moon Pies.

Pig-N-Chik changed the way barbeque was enjoyed in Atlanta. In addition to being the best-tasting barbeque, we wanted to be the most convenient. We brought pizzeria-style delivery to the barbeque business, giving customers access to Atlanta’s best barbeque anytime and anywhere, and putting our innovation 12 years ahead of DoorDash!
We also embraced the counter-service restaurant model well before the fast-casual trend seen today. This gave us the ability to serve our customers with fresh food quickly, all while maintaining our Southern hospitality, making every guest feel like family.
And after changing the way BBQ was enjoyed in Atlanta, we opened two more locations.Now y’all bring your mom n’ them!
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Did you know?
We won Atlanta News First’s Golden Spatula!
Not only do we serve the best BBQ in Atlanta, but we’re committed to serving it in a safe, clean environment. Check out our ANF segment below!
We’re also a favorite of Atlanta Eats! For your viewing convenience, we’ve provided that segment above as well.